

Hello! My name is Thomas, and I am an undergraduate student at Harvard studying electrical engineering and computer science. Besides those subjects, I also like to study classics, linguistics, Latin, and philosophy. I am from Panama City Beach in Florida, and outside of my academic pursuits I love hiking, reading, and all things theatre.

From my personal experiences with tutoring and mentorship, I know how significant of a positive impact it can have on students, improving their grades, mental health, and opportunities in life. I was lucky enough to have a few great mentors in my life, and as a tutor, I seek to help others with the same eagerness.

As a tutor, I value understanding the fundamentals of how things work and approaching problems from multiple different angles. I work with flexibility and patience to find the best method for any given student’s learning. My goal is to increase students’ knowledge of any given subject and, in my opinion even more importantly, their confidence in their own abilities.

I am best suited at tutoring mathematics, Latin, computer science, writing, and SAT test prep. I look forward to assisting you all in reaching your full potential!


Education: Harvard University
Undergrad Major: S.B. Electrical Engineering
Other Degrees/Minors: Computer Science

High School:

Class Rank: Top 5% of Class
Awards & Honors: Junior Classical League State Forum 2022 - Second Place Intermediate Certamen Team. Junior Classical League State Forum 2022 - First Place Solo Dramatic Interpretation. Naval Stem Interns - Naval Horizons Top Honors Essay Contest Winner (2022 and 2023). International Thespian Society State Festival 2021 - Top Honors in Playwriting.
Interests & Activities: Junior Classical League (School Officer), International Thespian Society (School President), Performance & Technical Theatre, Engineering Internships, Naval STEM Interns (SEAP Internship)
SAT Scores: 1560 (Math 760, Verbal 800)
AP Exams: 5 Calculus BC, 5 Research, 4 Latin, 4 Language and Composition, 4 Calculus AB, 4 Computer Science Principles


Other Interests & Activities: Harvard Outing Club (outdoor activities including hiking, watersports, etc), Harvard Undergraduate Engineering Society (supports engineering mentorship, careers, and social events for undergraduates on campus), Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club (electrical engineering design lead for PacBot competition), Technical Theatre for Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatics Club productions.
Location: Other

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