Since 2005, we’ve helped students improve their confidence and grades in earth science.
We’re especially proud of the fact that other educators (teachers and professors) and high profile members of the Princeton University Administration trust us with their children’s academic success and recommend our services to others.
We have a 15+ year track record of supporting students in earth science, middle school science, biology, physics, chemistry, and more.
Our private 1-on-1 tutors are experts in earth science. They can help your child develop the necessary organizational skills to process what they learn, and also improve their effectiveness in studying and test-taking as well.
How Does It Work?
- Free Consultation – We learn more about your child
- A Perfect Tutor Match – Our team thoughtfully matches you with an amazing earth science tutor
- Progress Tracking – Stay in the loop with detailed progress reports after every session
Available Online or In-Person
- Online – Over the past decade, we’ve successfully helped students all over the world using Zoom, virtual whiteboards, and other technologies.
- In-Person – Locally in the Princeton, NJ area
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Experience You Can Trust – Near-perfect ratings, 50,000+ hrs of tutoring experience, and 500+ happy reviews
- Not completely satisfied with a session? Let us know, and we’ll make it right or refund the unused sessions.

What parents say about our Earth Science tutors
Our team includes award-winning Princeton University undergrads and Master’s/PhD graduates who are rigorously screened and are extremely effective at communicating the material.
A brief “case study”:
A mother contacted us to help her daughters increase their confidence in a variety of subjects, including math, science, history, and reading.
Her daughters were in fourth grade at Community Middle School, and sixth grade at Millstone River School.
We matched the girls with Sibley, a comparative literature major at Princeton University who had significant academic tutoring experience, in addition to experience teaching ballet and modern dance to children of many age levels.
Here’s some feedback from their sessions:
“I just wanted to thank you for referring Sibley to tutor my daughters.
They both love her and both say they relate to her well. In fact, Erin liked her so much, I asked Sibley if she could tutor Erin every week as opposed to every other week, which was discussed originally. Thanks again.”
“I want to let you know how happy my husband, my girls and I were with Princeton tutoring.
Sibley was perfect with my girls and really helped them this year. I hope she is available for the girls next year as I would love to have her help my girls again.”
We receive messages like these every week.
We regularly track progress
Progress reports are shared after every session so you always know what’s going on.
A Real-Life Example:
Student: Ryan
Tutor: Rachel
Subject(s): General Science – Middle School
Date: 5/12
Time Tutored: 17:30 – 18:10
Next Scheduled Session: Sun, 05/19 5:30 PM (Via Facetime)
Material Covered:
Ryan had a five paragraph essay outline about black holes due in a few days. Unfortunately, the power went out 40 minutes in, so tutoring was cut short, but we were able to make good progress with the time that we had.
Using an online research tool, Ryan had recorded different facts about black holes. Her overall research question was, “what happens to the matter that enters black holes?”
Planning essays is a new skill for Ryan. Her typical approach is to just begin writing and edit along the way. So, I helped her think through it by looking at her research and determining three major, distinguishable angles from which her sources were discussing black holes. These would become her subtopics. They were:
“What is a black hole? What do we know about them?”
“What might be at the center of a black hole?”
“What might be on the other side of black holes”
Because the subtopics corresponded with her research, she was easily able to supply each section with evidence. We developed the outline for the first subtopic well, and began with the other two, but did not do the introduction or conclusion before the power went out.
As soon as she had some guidance, she was able to think through the outline well. I believe that starting with research, then writing from there will be a good approach for her in the future.

How is your child performing in Earth Science?
LEARN HOW WE CAN HELPAddresses common student issues
A deep understanding of the subject matter allows us to personalize our approach.
Why is Earth Science important?
Typically, earth science is covered briefly in middle school and offered more in-depth at the high school level. It covers topics such as geology, astronomy, meteorology, and oceanography.
Why do some students struggle with Earth Science?
As with any of the sciences, the main issue that many students struggle with in earth science is learning how to effectively organize and absorb a lot of information. This includes determining what is important, and what is not.
Let’s Get Started
We’ve produced consistent results over the past 15 years by combining a deep and nuanced understanding of the material, truly world-class tutors, and exceptional customer service.
What else differentiates us?
- Smaller boutique company
- Obsessive attention to quality
- Never any high pressure sales tactics
- Trusted resource with a strong reputation
We’d love to learn more about your student and see how we might be able to help!