Since 2005, we’ve helped students improve their confidence and grades in AP Government.
We’re especially proud of the fact that other educators (teachers and professors) and high profile members of the Princeton University Administration trust us with their children’s academic success and recommend our services to others.
We have a 15+ year track record of supporting students in AP Government & Politics.
Our private 1-on-1 tutors specialize in public policy and government. They have excelled on these exams, and are currently studying, or have recently studied, these topics in detail. They have also completed research for high-ranking members of the US government.
How Does It Work?
- Free Consultation – We learn more about your child
- A Perfect Tutor Match – Our team thoughtfully matches you with an amazing AP Government tutor
- Progress Tracking – Stay in the loop with detailed progress reports after every session
Available Online or In-Person
- Online – Over the past decade, we’ve successfully helped students all over the world using Zoom, virtual whiteboards, and other technologies.
- In-Person – Locally in the Princeton, NJ area
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Experience You Can Trust – Near-perfect ratings, 50,000+ hrs of tutoring experience, and 500+ happy reviews
- Not completely satisfied with a session? Let us know, and we’ll make it right or refund the unused sessions.

What parents say about our AP Government tutors
Our team includes award-winning Princeton University undergrads and Master’s/PhD graduates who are rigorously screened and are extremely effective at communicating the material.
A quick “case study”:
The mother of an 11th grader requested AP Government tutoring.
The student’s grades were fluctuating between a72 and 89 and most students drop out before the end of the semester.
The student seemed to struggle most with analytical essays and multiple choice questions, in part due to insufficient comprehension of the material.
We matched the daughter with Joshua, a Princeton University undergrad studying at the Woodrow Wilson School of public policy.
Joshua has had an interesting journey to Princeton.
After he graduated high school and before enrolling at Princeton, he spent several years in the military, trained at the National Cryptologic School, and became an adjunct faculty member for several courses.
Here’s some feedback from the family:
“Thank you so much for all your help extended throughout the year.
You have definitely helped Kunaal improve his grades and Kunaal and I really appreciated all the help.
Kunaal is done with school and has started his summer break. We will surely contact you next year in case Kunaal needs any help.”
We receive messages like this every week.
We regularly track progress
Progress reports are shared after every session so you always know what’s going on.
A Real-Life Example:
Student: Sachin
Tutor: Neti
Subject(s): AP United States Government and Politics
Date: 4/1
Time Tutored: 15:00 – 16:00
Next Scheduled Session: Mon, 04/08 3:00 PM
Material Covered:
Sachin has an upcoming test on Public Policy, so we spent our session reviewing for his test. We reviewed the key terms related to public policy (focusing mostly on monetary/fiscal policy as we did not have enough time to review international policy). After defining and discussing these key terms, Sachin practiced the multiple choice questions related to this topic in the Princeton Review book.

How is your child performing in AP Government?
LEARN HOW WE CAN HELPAddresses common student issues
A deep understanding of the subject matter allows us to personalize our approach.
Why is AP Government important?
Many of our students who request help with government are preparing for the AP US Government and Politics exam.
The exam covers many topics, including the constitutional underpinnings of the US government, the government’s various institutions (such as Congress, the presidency, federal courts, etc.), and civil rights and liberties.
Why do some students struggle with AP Government?
In addition to the sheer amount of material that is covered, many of our students have struggled with the free-response questions, which require students to analyze and interpret questions in depth and across several subject areas.
As in many humanities based subjects, critical reading and analytical skills are essential for success in the course.
Let’s Get Started
We’ve produced consistent results over the past 15 years by combining a deep and nuanced understanding of the material, truly world-class tutors, and exceptional customer service.
What else differentiates us?
- Smaller boutique company
- Obsessive attention to quality
- Never any high pressure sales tactics
- Trusted resource with a strong reputation
We’d love to learn more about your student and see how we might be able to help!