

Hello! My name is Tehle (pronounced like the color teal), and I’m an undergraduate at Harvard University studying Psychology and Government. Since 2017, I’ve tutored dozens of students, ranging from elementary to university levels, across subjects like math, English, social sciences, standardized test prep (SAT/ACT), and college essay writing. Tutoring is deeply rewarding to me—I love watching my students gain confidence and develop their skills to tackle challenges independently.

Outside of tutoring, I’m passionate about learning, whether it’s taking a Jane Austen course while studying abroad at the University of Cambridge or picking up Indonesian during a summer in Yogyakarta.


Education: Harvard University
Undergrad Major: B.A. Psychology
Other Degrees/Minors: Minor in Government; Citation in Italian

High School:

Class Rank: Top 10% of Class
Awards & Honors: National Merit Finalist, National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Scholar, Milton Wolf Prize in Advocacy First Place Winner, Maryland Coalition for Gifted and Talented Education Student Essay Contest First Place Winner, American Visionary Arts Museum Compassion in Action Scholarship Winner
Interests & Activities: Varsity Mock Trial (Captain), Varsity Soccer, Under Armour Student Athlete Leadership Council, Baltimore City Public Schools Youth Leadership Advisory Council, Global Issues Network Club (Leader), Maryland Youth Advisory Council (Legislative Committee Member), World Trade Center Institute Albrecht Fellowship, CHARM: Voice of Baltimore Youth (Publications Team Leader)
SAT Scores: 1530 (800 Verbal, 730 Math)
ACT Scores: 34 Composite (36 English, 36 Reading, 34 Science, 30 Math)
AP Exams: 7 IB HL Social and Cultural Anthropology, 6 IB HL English Language and Literature, 6 IB SL French B, 6 IB HL History of Africa and the Middle East, 5 IB SL Math Analysis and Approaches, 5 IB SL Biology


Other Awards: John Harvard Scholar, Detur Book Prize, Wendell Prize Nominee
Other Interests & Activities: At Harvard, I'm involved in: Behavioral Strategy Group (Co-Head of Consulting), The Crimson (Associate Blog Editor), Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business (Director of Small Events), the Institute of Politics (Coalition for Global Affairs Member), Harvard Ed Portal (Mentor), Crimson Key Society (Student Ambassador), Harvard Undergraduate Sports Lab.
Location: Other

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