

Before attending Harvard Law School where she is a current student, Kristina graduated from Dartmouth College with a double major in Spanish and Intercultural Rhetoric.

She has worked with students ranging from 8-45 years old in a variety of subjects. The primary drive for her love of tutoring is to watch her students grow in knowledge and in confidence, and she takes pride in individualizing sessions and material based on a student’s particular needs.

When she’s not studying or tutoring, Kristina loves spending time in the outdoors and cooking. Fun fact: not only has she only tutored for college essay writing and academic subjects, but she is a licensed ski instructor as well!


Education: Dartmouth College
Undergrad Major: B.A. in Spanish and Intercultural Rhetoric
Other Degrees/Minors: J.D. Candidate at Harvard Law School

High School:

Class Rank: 1
Awards & Honors: Valedictorian, Advanced Scholars Program, National Honor Society, Franklin Award for Academic Excellence, State of Oregon Seal of Biliteracy
Interests & Activities: Constitutional Law Team, Latino Club President, FUSS (scholarship) Board Member, Lead Role in Anything Goes, Supporting Roles in Chicago and Annie
AP Exams: 5 Spanish Language, 4 Spanish Literature, 5 English Language, 4 English Literature
SAT Subject Tests: 790 Spanish


Other Awards: Valedictorian, Rufus Choate Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, Robert J. Weber Hispanic Novel Prize
Other Interests & Activities: At Dartmouth, I was involved in the FUERZA Immigrant Literacy Program, Chi Delta Sorority, and I was a ski instructor. I also held several jobs, including a Communications/PR Specialist position that I continued after undergrad, working in several positions at the college (for the library and as a student tour guide), and I was a member of the Rockefeller Program for Global Leadership.
Location: Other

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